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Sunday, May 15, 2011

i love you mom poems from daughter

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  • Dagless
    Apr 10, 11:19 AM
    Brackets; 12.
    48/2; 24.

    Lots of votes for 2! Am I wrong?

    i love you mom poems from daughter. But most of all thank-you God
  • But most of all thank-you God

  • Guitar geek
    Aug 4, 12:01 AM
    This is great and bad at the same time for me. I'm so happy that they'll finally move to Merom. However, I've been holding off an MBP since mid-April. I was really hoping to get one after WWDC. If it's true that they may launch it in September, I may not be able to get it in time for school, and the ipod rebate may be over.

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  • poems for mom. love poems for

  • macaddict06
    Jul 21, 04:31 PM
    Well, I guess Apple was pretty dumb last year when they annouced the Nano while the iPod mini promo was still going strong. The promo didn't change and the mini was only availabe to edu customers so they could finish up the promo.

    September 7, 2005
    Apple Introduces iPod nano

    "Back to School Promo. College students � buy a qualifying Mac before September 25, and get a free iPod mini"

    Point is, that was released in September. As in, not at WWDC, so the point is still the same.

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  • daneoni
    Apr 20, 06:19 AM
    iPhone 4S

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  • JoeG4
    Nov 26, 10:43 PM
    Buy out OQO and make the resulting device a little thinner.



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  • mrdice87
    Sep 16, 12:47 PM
    What's the possiblility of the new mbp being available in stores after the announcement? Is one usually required to order new products online or could I skip the wait by driving an hour to the nearest apple store?

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  • iRobby
    Mar 27, 03:52 AM
    I believe the iPad 3 out in thee. Fall to be BS.
    I believe iPhone 5 and IOS 5 to be released TOGETHER whether in June or the Fall.
    My #1 request for iPhone 5?is 64GB. My 32GB 3GS only has 0.68GB available.

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  • jamesryanbell
    Mar 28, 11:56 AM
    Good. If I've got the latest stuff, I don't want that to be second rate that quickly. Give me till 2012 at least. (joking)

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  • teme
    Aug 11, 09:24 AM
    Correct me if I am wrong, but it was my understanding that Yonah and Merom were being priced identically (at same clock speed) by Intel.

    Yes, but after the Merom release the prices of Yonah will be cheaper.

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  • bhurdscu
    May 6, 01:46 AM
    I agree with a lot of what other people are saying. ARM designs will not be able to keep up with Intel. Intel has the performance advantage, and ARM has the power advantage right now. I see Intel moving into ARM's business before ARM can get into Intel's business.

    A rumor that would be more realistic would be Apple converting the iPhone and iPad to Intel once Intel can get the power down on their chips.

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  • MattInOz
    May 6, 07:52 AM
    Double post

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  • balamw
    Apr 9, 09:46 PM
    So if the parentheses are solved first why not just put them in front? Why go through all the semantics? Do scientists purposely make it this hard when solving equations?

    Part of the problem is reducing equations to to typewritten ASCII text.

    In a real scientific or math paper we would take care to typeset it clearly using TeX or some other way to reinforce the order of operations.

    As many have said, there is no uncertainty in this particular example except for those people who are not used to dealing with even more complex expressions.


    i love you mom poems from daughter. i love you mom poems from
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  • generik
    Aug 4, 05:31 AM
    (Sorry but my english is only valid to read, not to write...)

    por aqu� en Espa�a tambi�n estamos como locos esperando los nuevos merom aunque seamos realistas, coincido con los compa�eros que dicen que hasta que f�sicamente no dispongan de los nuevos MBP no los van a anunciar ya que Jobs no puede permitirse perder tanto dinero (la gente esperar�a por el nuevo si lo anuncia en la WWDC)

    So I think the new MBP with merom is not going to appear the 7th because jobs would lost a lot of buyers waiting for the meroms, you know, If someone tells you that in a month you are going to have a new processor, sure you are not going to buy the "obsolet model". Anyway I still dreaming each nigth with a merom MBP...

    What's even worse is people just "give up" and buy MBs instead of MBPs, seeing as to how there are so few differences between the two. That takes them right out of the market for the next 2-3 years and Apple could have shilled them for a high margin MBP sale.

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  • vito
    Apr 6, 05:12 AM
    And while this little Apple - Toyota "thingy" is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement with Toyota:


    They're welcome to each other.

    Why anyone would want to brand their phone with a Toyota Theme is beyond me, Ferrari, Aston Martin maybe but Toyota lol

    i love you mom poems from daughter. i love you mom poems
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  • MythicFrost
    Apr 26, 02:54 AM
    iPad 2 not being retina is not a good example when talking about desktops. First, there are no battery issues to deal with for a desktop. Second, there heat issues but less so since the screen isn't held in your hand. And third, you can raise costs if you are talking about a high end screen to attach to your high end Mac Pro. Apple can target the "money is no object crowd" with some of its offerings. Apple sells $1,000 displays already and I'm not sure that they couldn't sell a $2,000 retina level display. I'd consider it. Yeah it would be a lot of money but I would expect the screen to last five years and I use my computer everyday. Would I spend about a dollar a day to have retina on a 27" screen? I'd at least consider it.

    That said, I don't know if the technology is there yet. Could a current Mac Pro run a retina screen without a hiccup? I'd still 60 FPS on Crysis. :p
    Interestingly enough, there should be no more power drain nor heat produced on an iPad with a retina display than there is without.

    I also remember reading an article a while ago that pinned a 2048x1536 retina display for the iPad at ~3x the current iPad's display price. Although, I'm not sure if it was real or not, I think it was though.

    i love you mom poems from daughter. i love you mom poems
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  • Plutonius
    May 3, 07:45 PM
    There could be treasure here. Searching this room is guaranteed to be safe, as far as I can tell.

    Yes but then we are in the sequence search then move as opposed to move then search.

    From what was said in the rules, search then move is not desirable.

    My vote is to move to another room and start searching it.

    i love you mom poems from daughter. i love you mom poems
  • i love you mom poems

  • kavika411
    Apr 15, 08:18 PM
    I didn't miss it, you did. here, I'll bold it, underline it and put it in red so it's easier for you to catch ...

    Then I'll refer to the definition so you might know what that word means ...

    pri�ma�ri�ly (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/primarily)   �adverb

    1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally

    Then I'll give you an example that demonstrates a different perspective on wealth ...

    I am a graphic designer. My primary focus is on creating print and web solutions for my clients. While I do get paid, money is neither the source of my production and creativity, nor the material with which I work. It is a by-product of my labors, not the sole focus of them.

    Thus I have a different perspective on money and wealth than itcheroni.

    I hope that clarifies that for you.

    Your inability and insecurity to come within even the same area code of your own prior rhetorical question - choosing the greener pastures of everything-unrelated-to-something-you-started-but-can't-finish - says everything.

    Unlike you, I don't need to have "the last say." On this Friday night, I leave it to you to finish. Feel free to finish with something more relevant than your last posts, such as the syllabic definition of boredom, or a picture of a skateboarding dog.

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  • andyx3x
    Apr 20, 12:35 AM
    This will definitely be the first iteration of the iPhone that I will pass on. It's certainly not much of an upgrade from the iPhone 4.

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  • i love you mom poems.

  • iRobby
    Mar 27, 03:00 PM
    Heh. No LTE, no NFC, no bigger screen, no antenna fix, and now no iOS upgrade? What's the point in releasing an iPhone at all this year?

    These are just RUMORS! They will do at least some. Most likely, NFC, antenna fix, and IOS upgrade.

    Apr 25, 11:12 AM
    Facts? Who cares. We want DRAMA.

    The Press sure sucks a lot of people in. Or, is there a lot of people in waiting to be sucked in by the Press?

    Aug 4, 12:13 AM
    AnandTech to the rescue!

    Apr 18, 04:15 PM
    Just because I stick a Ford logo on the hood doesn't mean I can make my new Mustang look like a Porsche Carrera clone.

    On that subject, auto companies do this within their own brands. Ford will make a Lincoln and a Mercury that is the same as a Ford model but with a different name on it.

    I never understood that about the auto industry. If you buy up competition and keep the name around instead of folding the acquisition into the one brand, then do something unique with each brand. Ford/Lincoln/Mercury for instance should divide up product lines between brands. Ford could be brand name of the truck line while the other two are brand names for luxury and compact cars for instance. But the experts will say this is silly. LOL

    May 4, 02:49 PM
    I think I'll go with the App store method. I don't like discs lying around. I don't forsee having to ever have to install the OS from scratch however I do wonder how one would restore their backup from Time Machine in the event that their disk gets borked.

    Nov 4, 06:25 PM
    Gave it a brief test around town this afternoon. MotionX GPS lite status screen reported an accuracy (radius?) of between 30 feet to 50 feet, whereas without the TomTom mount it ranged from about 75 ft to 256 ft or worse. So, yeah, it improves GPS accuracy, and I did notice the difference when using the TomTom app.

    The thing is well built and elegant, the nicest carphone mount design I've ever seen. You have to be gentle sticking the iPhone into the mount, but you can do it with one hand. You have to think about where to install the mount in your car -- window, dash, left or right of the wheel etc. -- and you can't leave the iPhone in a case (OK for me, might not be for others). The power and audio cables stick out of the side, which is a bit awkward, especially when you rotate it; I'm thinking of picking up some adhesive-backed clips at RadioShack to keep the wires out of the way as they wind their way down to the power and aux jacks. I've made only one phone call so far, which worked fine, but the phone uses the mount's speaker even when you're plugged into the car stereo (music and/or Tomtom app voice stops in the car speakers, and then the phone call comes out of the mount speaker). I could hear the phone call fine driving around town, but I'm a little worried about how well I'll be able to hear phone calls at freeway speeds in my noisy little car (a Honda Fit).

    The acid test will be a substantial trip that includes some skyscraper canyons in a big city.

    Last I checked it looked like BLT had sold out and was awaiting more shipments.

    Thanks a ton for for your review, I am now going to buy the kit from BLT. They are on backorder with the product and will be recieving a shipment in on the 11 of nov, but for this low price I believe it is worth the wait ( about %30 off). Thanks again.