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Sunday, May 15, 2011

wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011

wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa tattoos Pictures,
  • wiz khalifa tattoos Pictures,

  • skellener
    Mar 27, 12:25 PM
    I'm skeptical about any of Apple's "cloud" offerings. They don't do it well at all. Apple is an OS-App-Based company. They have NEVER done anything leveraging the "cloud" well at all. Many, many companies out there run circles around Apple when it comes to the "cloud"....>cough< Dropbox >cough<. I would be surprised (pleasantly) if MobileMe did not have a fee. If they are beefing it up to be "magical" you better believe there will be a fee for that magic! I'd like to see something that blows everyone away. I'm just not counting on it.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. january thwiz khalifa True love styles lionamber rose picked amberroseandwizyeahadd photo runway wiz tourwiz khalifa Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper
  • january thwiz khalifa True love styles lionamber rose picked amberroseandwizyeahadd photo runway wiz tourwiz khalifa Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper

  • mmomega
    May 4, 02:49 PM
    I see this as fine for the majority of Apple users but for those that "tinker" or need/want to reinstall OS X after a new hard drive install or just for the hell of it, it means reinstalling Snow Leopard first then re-downloading Lion from the App Store then upgrading.
    Very time consuming.

    There are times when I need to pop in the disc to fix a problem.
    I'll just drive to the local Apple store and pick up a hard copy myself.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper
  • Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper

  • mi5moav
    Sep 11, 09:11 AM
    Can't wait, especially for photokina. Hopefully, that new Apple VideoCamera will make it's appearance. I need one so badly. My brother is having a kid and I need something youtube. Can't wait Can't wait.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011
  • Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011

  • daneoni
    Apr 20, 06:32 AM
    iPhone 3GS = 3rd iPhone
    iPhone 4S = 5th iPhone.

    Anyone still debating a "processor upgrade" isn't much of an upgrade grossly mistakes the upgrade the 3GS was over the 3G and that the 3G was over the original.

    The 3GS basically shares the same internals as an iPhone 4, aside from RAM. Comestic upgrades are not any bigger than spec upgrades. And iPhone 4S would still be the 5th iPhone and thus the "iPhone 5" monicker is appropriate.

    It might be named iPhone 5 but it will essentially be an iPhone 4S/iPad 2 style update.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa Poster
  • Wiz Khalifa Poster

  • jayducharme
    Apr 24, 02:52 PM
    I just checked my current desktop pictures folder. The images are 2560x1600, and they're only about 1 mb each. So it's really not much more of a leap to get to 3200.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.

  • Tonsko
    Nov 15, 11:06 AM
    Is there anything it's not terribly good at? I've got some 6Gb ISOs and a couple of 40Gb Vms on my mbp...the scan gets to around 80% and then hangs. Could these be the culprits? I haven't tried excluding them yet, but thought I would canvas opinion as to the possible cause.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper
  • Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper

  • clibinarius
    Mar 27, 12:02 PM
    I just don't understand the thought of an iPad 3 this fall. Unless they're trying to line up iPad updates with iPod updates, I don't see how this is possible or even really needed. I like the timing of the current releases. It offsets any updates of iPhones and iPods because they all have different release times.

    Having iOS 5 this fall does make sense, honestly.

    Maybe they'll release the ipad pro: Retina Display, 2 gigs of ram, 128-256 flash ram, and oh yeah, a price tag of $2000.

    I mean a high end tablet would have some appeal...

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa and Jeezy - Smoke
  • Wiz Khalifa and Jeezy - Smoke

  • richard.mac
    Apr 9, 08:41 PM
    i worked it out as 288 using BODMAS order, or PEDMAS as you americans call it :P

    good idea to use Wolfram, that thing is pretty insane, and even Google can do it! step it up OS X calculator! :D

    EDIT: Spotlight is giving me 288.

    oh! looks like you just need to add an asterisk

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa Styles 2011
  • Wiz Khalifa Styles 2011

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 10:44 AM
    I would welcome this. I enjoyed the features during the free trial period, but couldn't justify $99 per year for it. Since then they've added Back to My Mac, the Find my iPhone feature, and improved its reliability, so I would love to have access to it again, minus the cost. On top of what I pay for cellular service, another 9 bucks a month just seemed inconvenient.

    Uh $9 a month is $108 a year.

    People routinely get Mobileme for roughly $70 through Amazon or less through other places like eBay.

    Amazon Mobileme (http://www.amazon.com/MobileMe-Individual-Updated-2009-Version/dp/B001AMLRU4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1273246907&sr=8-1)

    Hell even Apple doesn't make people pay that much.


    $30 MiR or you get Mobileme for $69 with the purchase of a new Mac.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.

  • Malcster
    Aug 3, 10:58 AM

    allegedly a banner from WWDC 2006...

    oops! seen it another thread now, my bad.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper
  • Wiz+khalifa+2011+wallpaper

  • daneoni
    Jul 24, 03:28 AM
    Aplogies if this has been done before, and it's a little off-topic, but this is a link to an article about OS X performance on Core 2 Extreme (Conroe)


    Basically, they've installed a "floating" copy of OS X intel onto an intel mobo with C2E.

    I thought this line was particularly impressive:

    "These last two tests were also conducted on that same PC with Windows installed and we see the Mac performing as well as Windows in Cinebench and a mere 3% slower in Photoshop which is especially impressive considering that Photoshop CS2 was running under Rosetta on the Mac. "

    Who needs to wait for CS3?

    Edit: on reflection, I'm not sure if I believe this...do you think it might be a hoax?

    Yeah something just doesnt feel right. OS X recognises a 2.93GHz chip as 4GHz? and since when does Apple put in CPU features in system profiler?

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 22, 05:42 AM
    Isn't the Conroe cheaper than the mobility line of chips? Plus they deliver a lot more performance too!

    Yes and yes.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper rolling
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper rolling

  • Eidorian
    Jul 23, 10:33 PM
    I said sub-$1000. $999 is sub-$1000. ;) The iMac started out at $1300, and dropped to $800 at one point. Stuff it getting cheaper. I don't know when a cheaper laptop will be coming out, but I'll bet one is.The iMac hit $799 later in the G3's life and when the G4 came out. Apple was still selling the older G3 as a budget model.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011.

  • MrChurchyard
    May 4, 02:55 PM
    I think the interesting question is whether they'll do away with "Software Update" as well. And if so, how are they handling stuff like printer driver updates.

    Also: Combo updates vs. downloading the whole thing. As the MAS is working right now, it would have to work similarly to XCode, which is just very unefficient.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa Wallpaper by
  • Wiz Khalifa Wallpaper by

  • TMay
    Apr 21, 03:47 PM
    And how do you operate it? A server can be accessed from a workstation but a Mac Pro IS a workstation, it's not a server. It's not a logical step. I have a professional photographer in the family, with a Mac Pro. He needs to load his RAWs onto his Mac for post processing. How to do this if that Mac is in another room, in a rack :confused: Very inconvenient if you ask me.

    Sounds like Lion provides OSX server no extra charge. Wait and see.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa - Kush amp; Orange
  • Wiz Khalifa - Kush amp; Orange

  • Dr_Maybe
    Aug 2, 03:38 PM
    In Apple will withdraw the iPod. Nobody needs it any more. Nobody wants it. A huge, useless, glowing apple will be all anyone will want.

    Funny :D

    <confused applause />

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. Wiz Khalifa Wallpaper
  • Wiz Khalifa Wallpaper

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 22, 12:29 AM
    The iBooks got a big case revision when they moved into the Intel MacBook world, the MacBook-Pros-that-look-like-PowerBooks should, too.

    Just so long as they don't make the glossy screen standard on the MBP, like they did on the MB. I can't stand that glare ridden, reflective surface finish!

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper hd.
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper hd.

  • Moyank24
    May 4, 01:51 PM
    I'd think we'd want to explore this room.

    Gotcha. just wanted exploring the hallway was one of the choices. I'm all for exploring the hallway.

    wiz khalifa wallpaper 2011. wiz khalifa wallpaper
  • wiz khalifa wallpaper

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Sep 11, 02:31 AM
    IF that TiVo rumor is true, it will be a dream come to life!

    Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    Aug 4, 06:48 PM
    New iMacs next Tuesday. I'll take one if it comes with a Conroe, Apple, thank you. But of course, if that's too hot, a Merom would do fine, too. Unless it will still use that dull 667MHz FSB, of course. At least put in an X1800 in it. Oh, and 1GB of RAM. And, while you're at it, throw in a 24" display too. And get rid of the lower bevel of the 'display design'. All that, and I'm buying straight away. If it will come pre-loaded with Leopard and will have a universal BlueRay/HD DVD-burner built-in, that is.


    But seriously, I'm soooo ready for a new iMac. This 800MHz G4 iMac is getting old. It works like a charm, still, and is plenty fast for most stuff, but it just doesn't feel right anymore. Also, I never had quite the relationship with it as with my old 233MHz G3 iMac. I WANT A NEW iMAC! AND I WANT IT NOW!

    Sounds like someone wants an iMac Ultra! (Really final Propaganda)
    We Apple customers want an iMac with at LEAST (preferrably >>) 2.4 Conroe, at least an X1800 with 512 MB (Which should be quite likely if the PMs (sorry MPs) get SLI), a 23" screen, which Apple should have plenty of from their Cinema D's, and more RAM slots than you can polk a 2Gb RAM stick at (Meaning >=4), with most of them filled.

    All for under AU$4 Grand.

    That should take care of all gamers, any professionals who require a reasonably portable Desktop with awesome power, and in fact, anyone else.


    MBPs do use Lithium Polymer batteries. It says so on the Apple MBP website. I'm sure the MBs do too.


    As an aside, is anyone else here as happy as I am that we will never see one of those evil "Pentium" chips in our precious Macs? Hooray, there will be no Pentium 5! (Unless they call the Conroe line Pentium, like they keep calling Core Duo "Centrino Duo", to my utmost annoyance. Isn't Centrino the "Budget" brand name?)

    Death (Or severe overheating and frying) to all Pentiums!


    Anyone else here interested in an iMac Ultra?

    Anyone else have an extreme and probably unwarranted hatred of the Pentium moniker?

    Aug 7, 02:52 PM
    Second why do you only save $300 when you opt for the 2Ghz model but the 3Ghz model costs $800 more???

    Its relative to the processor you have selected. If you clicked the lower CPU the 3Ghz would be + even more. :rolleyes:

    May 6, 06:21 AM
    I didn't think ARM's stocks would be so volatile.

    "ARM tumbles ahead of Intel 'breakthrough'", May 4 2011 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/electronics/8493555/ARM-tumbles-ahead-of-Intel-breakthrough.html)

    Apr 20, 08:02 AM
    I wonder how many of these they'll sale? If it's not due out until September, but everything still points to a summer release of the iPhone 6, which is supposed to be a redesign, then why not wait six more months? I'm due for a new phone this June and if the iPhone is delayed til September I will certainly wait six more months and get the redesigned one. I'm not crazy about this form factor anyway.

    Dec 28, 09:42 PM
    Reason not to use AV software with real-time scanning with elevated privileges. (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=11570070&postcount=31)