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Sunday, May 15, 2011

is obama dead

is obama dead. Grateful Dead / Obama Logo
  • Grateful Dead / Obama Logo

  • Jape
    Dec 21, 11:16 AM
    Well looks Like it didn't come again :(

    Just confirmed it with BLT, there hasn't been a shipment come in.

    is obama dead. Obama killed by osama or osama
  • Obama killed by osama or osama

  • ticman
    Nov 14, 06:30 PM
    sorry guys but on closer review of the pictures, it does look like the adhesive disk is mounted on the dash and the dock to the disk.

    is obama dead. If Obama dropped dead tomorrow
  • If Obama dropped dead tomorrow

  • bwillwall
    Mar 30, 06:47 PM
    Dear Apple

    PLEASE can we have a UI update, even if it's a minor one (for instance, iTunes 10 scrollbars rather than the blue aqua ones). Just some extra polish really.



    The iTunes scroll bars? They are much worse, what they need is either iOS scroll bars or a complete new design for them

    is obama dead. osama bin laden is obama.
  • osama bin laden is obama.

  • war
    Nov 22, 09:40 AM
    I wish Apple would keep features at a minimum. My current phone has so many features that I don't use. I don't care if it can surf the internet nor do I care if it can take pictures. Could I just get a phone with a great address book that syncs really well with my mac? I just want an excellent way to keep control of my contacts, that's it. Any mobile phone companies out there listening? Stop putting features in that I don't care about.

    is obama dead. The dead
  • The dead

  • QCassidy352
    May 8, 05:25 PM
    The usefulness of MobileMe just doesn't justify the $99 pricetag -- especially when other services offer something similar for free.

    I disagree. First, nobody else offers it all in one place. Second, nobody else has the same simplicity. Third, there are features (most notably, find my iphone) that can't be replicated no matter what other service you use. And when you consider that you can get MM for $60 at Amazon and elsewhere, I think it's more than worth it. $5/month is worth it for any of things I just listed, or even just to be ad-free.

    is obama dead. quot;Obama bin Laden Dead.
  • quot;Obama bin Laden Dead.

  • boncellis
    Aug 2, 11:11 AM
    Mac Pro + Cinema Display (iSight), Leopard demo, Core 2 Duo iMac & MacBook Pro. New Nano's too (more storage + bluetooth)

    Long shot, iPhone + iChat 4.0 (VoiP), Mac & Windows.

    I think the iPhone is more consumer-oriented, though that hasn't meant exclusivity to MWSF as of late, so who knows. I agree with you about the Cinema Displays though, I think they could get an update--which could also mean the current models see a price drop...

    It's my feeling too that the Nano will see an update before the end of the year, I wouldn't be surprised if they hold off and do a silent update (capacity) shortly after WWDC. Back to school buying has been going for a while, and it seems like Apple is taking advantage of it to clear out inventory to make way for something new.

    Just like introducing new products in January--after the holiday shopping season--they could very well wait until September or October to introduce new iPods in order to get consumers to buy the current iteration one more time.

    If new rumors don't start coming fast and furious, I think that means we know just about what to expect.

    is obama dead. Fox Newsquot; Obama Bin Laden Dead
  • Fox Newsquot; Obama Bin Laden Dead

  • satkin2
    Apr 26, 02:23 PM
    This was inevitable given the number of phone models each OS is on. It was clear to see from way off. However if Apple are making more money than Google from these units it won't be anything for them to worry about.

    It's much like Windows and OS X, there's the volume model (Windows) and the Apple model. I'm happy with my iPhone and I haven't met anyone who's been unhappy with theirs either, that said, I've also not spoken to any friends who are unhappy with Android.

    Competition is good and while ever there is the competition then innovation will be driven more than if there was a monopoly, so this can't really be seen as a bad thing.

    is obama dead. Osama bin Laden is dead,
  • Osama bin Laden is dead,

  • Jett0516
    Apr 26, 04:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    And how many android devices are free or buy one, get one free? It's amazing how fast you can gain market usage when you give your stuff away...

    At&t is selling the 3gs for $49.

    is obama dead. in laden is obama.
  • in laden is obama.

  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 09:16 PM
    I don't really care about the C2D processor, since most reviews are it is a bland chip without the Santa Rosa chip set. Better, sure enough, but not enough to care about.

    Santa Rosa isn't a chipset, it's the name of the platform.

    It consists of Merom (eventually Penryn?), Crestline (i965 express chipset) and Kedron (802.11n).

    Santa Rosa won't affect performance a great deal.

    The faster FSB will make a difference of maybe 3-5%. Maybe a little more in bandwidth-sensitive applications (say, some forms of decompression).

    Less than than the difference between Yonah and Merom.

    The other big differences are the new graphics core -- which the MBP won't use, the 802.11n - for which the spec hasn't yet been ratified, and is something easily added by changing/adding a wifi card, and the Robson flash caching technology, which is probably the biggest difference.

    Note that Crestline is currently specced at consuming ~50% more power than the i945 chipset in Napa. Robson, however, should reduce some of that.

    It's quite ironic that after years of Powerbooks getting new G4's with tiny clockspeed boosts, something like Merom is considered "bland"(?)

    is obama dead. Fox: Obama bin Laden Dead
  • Fox: Obama bin Laden Dead

  • cube
    May 6, 07:06 AM
    AMD is currently a bang for buck chip maker, I doubt you'll see them CPUs in Apple products. Plus until Fusion develops some more the thermal envelope isn't too good.

    The TDP of Bobcat Fusion includes fast DX11 graphics. The TDP of Atom does not include graphics.

    Bobcat Fusion is at 40nm bulk. Atom is at 45nm.

    In some months Atom will shrink to 32nm with DX10 graphics.

    By the turn of the year Bobcat+ Fusion will be out on 28nm bulk.

    is obama dead. Obama: Osama in Laden is Dead
  • Obama: Osama in Laden is Dead

  • ergle2
    Sep 15, 04:40 PM
    Please don't mess with the keyboard. The Macbook keyboard wouldn't suit the Macbook Pro.

    Indeed. I don't like the MacBook keyboard at all.

    I'd be happy if it was the same enclosure with a Merom CPU and an upgraded GPU - ATI X1800 or nVidia 7700 would be nice.

    A longer-life battery would be nice but I can't see it happening due to weight.

    I really don't understand the obsession with the magnetic latch.

    is obama dead. But you can see Obama is still
  • But you can see Obama is still

  • jholzner
    Aug 11, 09:08 AM
    It sure does. Quite exciting really. I think all consumer products will get Core 2 Duo (merom + conroe) in September. Although, seeing as Merom is socket compatable with the current line up, I dont think we will see a Conroe in the iMac.

    I tend to agree that they may use Merom in the iMac but since they put Woodcrest in the Mac Pros it gives me hope that they won't use Merom in the iMac and just use it in the portable line where they really belong.

    is obama dead. in laden is obama in laden.
  • in laden is obama in laden.

  • Willis
    Sep 16, 09:32 AM
    Oooo updates.. yay!

    You know, I love the Macbook, but I love the MBP too. I just hope the price comes down a bit so I could get one comfotably with work discount. :o If not, MB it shall be in the new year

    is obama dead. bin laden is obama. quot;Obama
  • bin laden is obama. quot;Obama

  • BenRoethig
    May 6, 07:23 AM
    Makes sense in that apple could control their own destiny in chipsets and CPUs, but it just seems like the PowerPC days all over again.

    is obama dead. LADEN IS DEAD Source Obama
  • LADEN IS DEAD Source Obama

  • jholzner
    Aug 11, 09:08 AM
    It sure does. Quite exciting really. I think all consumer products will get Core 2 Duo (merom + conroe) in September. Although, seeing as Merom is socket compatable with the current line up, I dont think we will see a Conroe in the iMac.

    I tend to agree that they may use Merom in the iMac but since they put Woodcrest in the Mac Pros it gives me hope that they won't use Merom in the iMac and just use it in the portable line where they really belong.

    is obama dead. osama bin laden is obama.
  • osama bin laden is obama.

  • beniscool
    Apr 5, 04:25 PM
    I like to think of this like this:

    You(apple) mow your lawn nice and neat and your heading inside when your neighbor(Toyota) starts mowing his lawn and the dead grass sprays on you nice lawn so you go and ask him if he would stop spraying grass on his lawn and as the neighbor are you going to no to him and continue spraying grass on his lawn probably not because then you(apple) and your neighbor(Toyota) then have hard feeling.You may sound like the bad guy but you don't want dead grass on your lawn. And if he did say no the his lawnmower(car) need some gas(iPod connectivity) your not going to want to give it to him.
    I think of it like that

    is obama dead. Obama dead as well:
  • Obama dead as well:

  • -Ken-
    Apr 7, 10:02 AM
    I wonder if this affects HP's Touchpad. HP has deep pockets as well though.

    is obama dead. osama bin laden is obama.
  • osama bin laden is obama.

  • blevins321
    May 4, 02:57 PM
    They need to allow for updates via App Store that don't require full redownload of the software before they can make it exclusive. Especially in today's age of capping home internet usage (biggest croc ever conceived), smaller updates need to be possible. Perfect example: XCode.

    is obama dead. obama dead water hand
  • obama dead water hand

  • tivoboy
    Jul 21, 03:18 PM
    I do wish they would update the macbooks, so Ican BUY ONE!

    Aug 11, 08:56 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Reghardware claims (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/08/11/apple_macbook_to_get_merom/) cites a Chinese language report that Apple is readying both of its laptop models for Core 2 Duo "Merom" CPU's, due next month. There had been some Page 2 rumors that Apple would update the MacBook pro to include Merom at WWDC which failed to materialize, but this is the first report that has indicated that Apple would also move its more consumer-oriented laptop model to Core 2 Duo that quickly. AppleInsider has previously suggested (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/07/20060711225142.shtml) that the MacBook would remain a Core Duo "Yonah" CPU for the time being.

    While no hard insider information exists pointing to the specs of the new machines, currently Merom tops out at 2.33 GHz, so it is not unreasonable to believe that Apple will use the 2.33 GHz chip in its MacBook Pro, and slightly slower speeds in its MacBooks. Also of note, Merom being a Core 2 Duo chip has architectural advances over Core Duo ("Yonah") such as 64-bit support and a 4 MB L2 Cache in higher end models.

    Sep 15, 11:20 PM
    I'd rather have a bigger battery and a Go 7700.

    Here! Here! Though I'd be much happier to have the option to upgrade to the GeForce Go 7900 GTX. :D I just don't know how practical to the average user it would be in a MBP. For me, it would be very practical.

    Apr 9, 08:38 PM
    Same brand scientific calculator, two different answers. :rolleyes:

    What mode are they in? From a quick search:

    If you choose to use a calculator to solve the math problem, your calculator must be in scientific notation. Only a calculator in scientific notation will follow PEMDAS and the order of operations. A non-scientific calculator will yield an incorrect answer.

    Nov 27, 01:28 AM
    Too big! <snip> I probably want some functional capabilties (e.g. iPhoto red eye and retouch, or simple text/excel type input) but I DO NOT NEED TO RUN PHOTOSHOP ON MY TABLET! I will transfer my data/photos/video onto my main computer to do that kind of work."
    Agreed. Not a computer... but connecting to it.
    I always thought the direction Apple would go with a tablet was as a consumer device extension to iPhoto, almost how iPod extends iTunes.
    Interesting idea. I guess if you could make it a little thicker than an iPod nano but 7x4" (or 9x5"?) it could be a neat picture frame. It could also do eBooks.

    Then again if you use the screen casting in iChat then each tablet in the house could run it's own low power apps, say dashcode apps, front row, iChat, then hook into a more powerful machine to run fullblow applications.

    Gives Apple a nice little ecosystem of complimentry products.
    Yes... complimentary products. A very simple device that ALSO can connect and get extra functions.

    Apr 21, 04:01 PM
    This is good news and very much needed.