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Sunday, May 15, 2011

princess diana crash scene photos

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  • diana crash scene inquest

  • Machead III
    Sep 16, 06:58 AM
    MacBook please.

    princess diana crash scene photos. On holiday: Diana and Dodi Al
  • On holiday: Diana and Dodi Al

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 5, 01:05 PM
    Not surprised! Toyota should not take it!

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • Abstract
    May 2, 10:30 PM
    $1.38 per litre for gas sounds cheaper ... Gas pricing may be the reason the US adopts the metric system

    And people sound less obese when stating their weight in kilograms. ;)

    People buy crack in grams, no? If they can get it, so can others.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene.
  • princess diana crash scene.

  • oneighturbo
    Sep 16, 02:07 PM
    I think if you risk it, they may let you keep the premiums.

    risk it? premiums meaning rebates?

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene.
  • princess diana crash scene.

  • Tilpots
    Apr 9, 08:41 PM
    You are 100% wrong. Ask any elementary school math teacher.

    The lack of proper notation makes the equation ambiguous. 100% of Elementary School teachers should agree.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • bboucher790
    Mar 28, 11:11 AM
    My only dig: LTE = More $$$$

    I'd rather use a solid HSPA+ device in June, than wait til September (or later) to use a device where my data plan could jump by $10.

    I will only be excited for LTE if the data plans don't rise. I think it's ridiculous that every time a new cell technology comes out, cell companies raise their prices.

    princess diana crash scene photos. Princess Diana car crash
  • Princess Diana car crash

  • ender land
    Apr 14, 11:02 AM
    Interesting article. More or less well thought out.

    Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance taxes (known as payroll taxes) are paid mostly by the bottom 90 percent of wage earners.

    This is such a lie, lol, social security is half funded by businesses. Those who are self employed have to pay 2x what most of us pay because they pay the 'company' portion too.

    The chart under 3, with someone making 26k and paying 6k in federal tax is a bit of a misnomer; I made nearly this much last year and paid zero in federal tax. So while it might be possible to pay that much I would imagine the majority of Americans do NOT pay 6k out of a 26k income.

    The "it wasn't always like this" chart seems to be indicating that average effective incomes -accounting for inflation - have dropped significantly over the past 28 years (well 31 now, presumably the author would state the trend continues). By roughly a factor of 180% (!). Literally, 1$ they had in 1980 would buy the equivalent of about $0.35 now. But then again, a chart without any sort of labels or context or clarification is not really too valid in terms of making an argument either way. Not to mention the numbers do not align with any of the figures in the "The Wage Gap Widens" chart above it.

    The stuff on the Making Work Pay Credit is funny to me, this credit isn't a tax cut so much as a tax rebate - it is a refundable credit, so if you have enough tax deductions you can actually receive this $400/800 a year back from the government even if you do not pay any taxes. This is not a tax cut. This is a rebate/stimulus. A tax cut would not refund you beyond what you paid in taxes. Not taking money from one person and giving it to another.

    Finally, the last section is interesting. Perhaps it is true, and other governments do it better - our government has been fiscally irresponsible for years. I do NOT want them to control that much of my income until they prove fiscally responsible. If they can bring the budget under balance over the next few years in manners other than blatantly increasing taxes (perhaps a combination of slightly increasing taxes but many spending cuts) then I will feel confident in them being able to manage money well. But until they do that, I do not have a lot of faith in them being able to handle an increase in funds any more effectively than they do now.

    Overall, I think this was a fairly decent attempt. In spite of a lot of errors it does show what should be obvious to anyone paying attention to American economic tax policies as of late - taxes on the rich are less now than they were before.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash images.
  • princess diana crash images.

  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 12, 08:56 AM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

    Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 12:49 AM
    Jesus christ, did you even watch the video? They were not reporters they were Intel staffers. He even says that the CoreDuo lasted 3 hours, not your claimed 2. This isn't scientific AT ALL and I would much rather believe Intel engineers who presented the info at IDF than some random marketing drivel with absolutely no information provided on the hardware/software. :rolleyes:

    Now stop claiming that dropping a Merom in a MB/MBP is going to result in two times the battery life. That is not true. And if you think it is I will make a bet with you right now.

    I'm not anti Core2Duo, I'm anti disinformation.1.67 x 3 = 5

    1.67 rounded UP = 2

    Almost TWICE and I never wrote "two times".

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene.
  • princess diana crash scene.

  • manic
    Aug 11, 03:42 PM
    If they made it a little taller it should be easy-peasy for Apple to fit the necessary cooling. Hey, if they're making it taller, they could add a 3.5" Hard Drive which is much cheaper than laptop hard drives and we could finally get a 500GB Mini.
    this is pretty well thought out. I can see it happening

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • leekohler
    May 7, 01:49 AM
    I remember in elementary school, learning about the metric system since we were all going to switch to it. That never happened. I wonder why....

    Because the USA is full of too many dumb MFs. That is your answer. We should have been using it 20 years ago.

    princess diana crash scene photos. at the crash scene
  • at the crash scene

  • Detlev
    Aug 4, 09:59 AM
    Hardly Apple's fault. Apple has managed to transition all it's apps - Adobe is certainly dragging their collective feet.
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene.
  • princess diana crash scene.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 24, 01:26 PM
    More likely that they are producing a higher res iMac display first.

    Bingo. That or a higher resolution ACD (new 30" ?).

    And this site has the most archaic, convoluted commenting sign-up/system I have ever seen.

    I like the forum style a lot more than flat commenting a la Facebook and other blogs. Discussions are easier to follow and BBcode allows much more flexibility in posting. This is a forum, not some blog with 1-liner comments.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • Stevesbodyguard
    May 4, 03:03 PM
    I googled it...sounds like a dying fad...

    Agreed...I give it another 2 months till nobody even remembers this whole "App Store" thing.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene.
  • princess diana crash scene.

  • Scrumper
    May 6, 03:23 AM
    I have no idea about the validity of this rumour but if it happens, it will render my VERY expensive pro apps no longer supported...and I think that will be the time to free myself from Apple bondage and return to the Windows fold. Especially if this is a sign that Apple are moving away from "proper" computers and pouring everything into iOS. :(

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash images.
  • princess diana crash images.

  • Doenertier
    Sep 11, 04:06 PM

    perhaps you've seen this a long time ago?

    they have live coverege 12th.

    Either the link ist broken or they are already down with us 2 guys trying it out. :rolleyes:

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • MacNut
    Apr 14, 11:02 AM
    So we have websites that allow us to track where a dollar goes, how about letting us see where all the money the government spends is going

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • nuckinfutz
    May 7, 04:57 PM
    Don't negative a possibility, you have no proof that it can't happen, no matter how unlikely it is. You have no proof that iAds have nothing to do with this. We're all talking about possibilities here and MM going free is one of them.

    Don't assume that iAds wouldn't lead to something else for Apple. Apple can do whatever they want if it'll earns them more money.

    Yes, locking people in the Apple ecosystem earns them money, locking people in the same ecosystem with their own ads earns them even more money.

    I don't negate the possibility but one of the problems is that I see is that people think Apple is going to become Google Lite. More appropriately put because Google found success with embedding advertising into free products people assume Apple will follow suit.

    The failure of this ideology is that Google has largely been a web based company that has eschewed getting into consumer hardware save for the Nexus One. Apple is a company that seeks to sell software and hardware thus their profits aren't going to depend on advertising.

    MobileMe Free clears up a big problem with people that have multiple computing problems which, hopefully, means they are less reticent to add another device to the collection if management costs in time and effort don't multiply.

    iAd is important to Apple but it's clear that initially it's going to really appeal to the larger companies. Apple's going after the cream of the crop with iAd and not only are they designing, hosting and approving ads but the expected pricing is beyond what many companies are used to paying.

    So with that in mind I think Apple keeps iAd within its walled garden and realizes that MobileMe free just sells more mobile iPhone OS devices. Could Apple leverage MobileMe free with iAds to make money? Sure but I think it's less plausible than many think.

    princess diana crash scene photos. princess diana crash scene
  • princess diana crash scene

  • jlseattle
    Apr 5, 04:09 PM
    The "i" overlords have spoken! "Take it down" (in an classic star trek superior being voice).

    May 7, 03:17 PM
    Not sure what you guys think about this, but I think it would make sense on the iPhone if they somehow integrate iAds into it... otherwise I'm not sure why they would take a $99 service and make it free.

    Because they aren't making any money off it now and making it free with iAds built in could bring in more profit for them?

    It's the same reason Google can afford gmail with 8GB of storage for tens of millions of accounts.

    Apple could make a bit of a profit integrating iWork/MobileMe/Lala along with iAds.

    Mar 31, 12:47 AM
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior?

    A) Don't make ASSumptions. I don't shop at BestBuy, Walmart or Target. I patron my local stores, I vote with my dollar. If the facts upset you so much, perhaps you should point that finger of blame and judgment around (or better yet, stop vehemently judging people period).

    B) I stated WE shot ourselves in the foot, and that WE vote with our dollars

    I didn't read past your first two sentences as they wreak of pretension and you took no time in reading mine but rather wrote a lengthy paragraph about how well you know me and my political beliefs, cause, well, you certainly seem to believe you do (unless, of course, you're paying Ms Cleo for information, and that would be bad, cause, well, you're voting with your dollar to a corrupt and jailed CEO). Before you judge and assume, engage in civil discourse and respect.

    This is beta/unfinished software. What the hell do you expect?

    'MacPilot' is a mess of multiple functions that do not replicate native API's that are always enabled for use. Wow you have to click accept? Good. Why would you want the possibility of a bunch of random garbage sent to you without your consent?

    Cool story bro, I was never talking about the actual UI elements.

    Wow, the level of arrogance and lack of respect on MacRumors never ceases to amaze me. Every thread, and I mean every, turns into a free for all of personal attacks and insults. Interesting that I never once insulted or disrespected any one individual, yet two responses attempt to personally attack me. Do you know me? Why is this a personal matter for you?

    This is about opinions and civil discourse, not about trying to prove how smart you are or to put someone "in their place". That says more about you than me.

    Last time I will address this matter unless you wish to discuss the topic without rolling eyes, assumptions on my intelligence, and overly dramatic misinterpretations on my comments (that had NOTHING to do with you - and this relates more so for the first comment quoted).


    Mar 28, 09:51 AM
    It would jive with the earlier rumor of a Fall release for iOS 5, and consequently, a Fall release for new iPhone hardware to match. And people, seriously, you can go without a contract for a few months. ;) It doesn't mean because your contract expires in June that you have to renew in June.

    So what are thy going to announce?

    Let me guess : iOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion. Usually, we get a preview of iOS in april. If we don't this year, this pretty much confirms no iOS 5 in June and probably no hardware to match.

    Jul 30, 03:31 PM
    Nice piece of work over at www.floatingpears.com


    :D :D :D

    Almost perfect. I think it needs one more button below the screen for dedicated shortcuts so I can personalise my access.

    Also add in an IR port in the top so I can use it as a remote with Frontrow (when BT isn't a good choice) and more easily eschange files with older phones.

    4GB and 8GB options would really bbe iPod subs.

    Nov 26, 11:02 PM
    The PSP is the closest I have seen to the right device. Again add a slide out keyboard and I might buy.

    I think the PSP is just a little too squint-inducing. I like the 6 inch screen form factor of the Sony Reader, but rotated landscape (e.g., something on the order of 7 in. x 4.5 in., with a little more frame on the bottom). Something vaguely like this in form factor (this is just a photoshopped iPod with a photoshopped MacBook Pro screen, intended to show aspect ratio).

    Something comparable to this (http://www.tabletkiosk.com/tkstore/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=35&idproduct=152), but with a native res of 1024x600 (are there TFTs that size and res?), replace the hd with flash, and much cheaper (which means at least 2-3 years from now).

    [Edit: added a photoshop where I overlayed this image over the Sony Reader ad to show scale against a hand. I was too lazy to get rid of the junk around the border from the original iPod ad. I found an existing UMPC that had similar specs, but was much more expensive than I think would be ideal, so removed some of the UMPC comments and added link.]