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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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  • Sydde
    Apr 14, 08:52 PM
    So do you think the best idea is to just cut everybody equally?
    Did I suggest that? I think not. The problem we run into is that everybody starts screaming when you bring sharp objects anywhere near their precious fetish. We simply cannot employ reason and discussion until we can all agree that nobody will be pleased when we finish (even the bean counters will grumble).
    Here's an example ...

    I work at a university that is undergoing cuts. But some departments actually make the university money. Does it make sense to cut departments that generate income as much as departments that don't? At least the people in charge here understand the difference and aren't applying "across the board cuts".
    Well, and we should have government operations that do that. The more non-tax income the government can generate, the less we all will have to put into it. Perhaps we can even figure out a way to partner government with the private sector so that both can profit instead of trying to strangle each other. At which point, we will have Shangri-La on GPS.

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  • ciTiger
    May 6, 07:44 AM
    Ant there you have it folks! A new rumor theme that will last forever or until Apple changes architecture... lol

    I do think that the battery would be the most to benefit from this but I don't think that it will happen any day soon. Even 13 is soon... But there might be one "new" product with it.. Maybe just one Macbook Air or something...

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  • vwsoul
    Sep 16, 04:12 PM
    I am curious tho, if people placed their orders now and lets say the new mbp comes out on the 19th, then how will they adjust the specs and price for the one you ordered and the one that ships? Will they contact you ahead of time or just send you a similar spec based on your price?

    Any ideas? :o

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  • Bonte
    Nov 22, 07:03 AM
    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

    iChat is definitely going to be hugely important for Apple but so is letting all these features work seamlessly together with Windows users. The few options Apple has in this regard is making the iPhone Mac only or with Windows compatible apps or just bring osX to PC and be done with it.

    If we look at all the devices we want from Apple, they all need tight integration with the OS. An Apple branded iPod, iPhone, iTV, iSmart, iCamera, etc.. will be on the market sooner or later, so Apple will make and support countless Windows Apps or be osX only. I strongly believe that opening up osX will be easier to do and has a higher long term potential.

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  • balamw
    Apr 11, 01:06 AM
    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction.

    You've just stumbled on a new notation for continued fractions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continued_fraction). Oh wait, we already have better ways of representing that.


    The only way it would be 288 is if it was written:

    Where do the square brackets fall in your interpretation of PE(MD)(AS) + left to right? And how in the name of all that is holy can you interpret that as giving 288 instead of 2. Wouldn't 288 require [2(9+3)] to evaluate to (1/6) so the final answer would be 48*6 = 228. I would have expected [48/2](9+3).


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  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 9, 09:03 PM
    Well I was taught using BEDMAS and that gives me 288. I learned to go with my first choice.

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  • Reed Rothchild
    Mar 29, 02:44 PM
    I'm really neutral toward all this, but I really just have one very valid question.......... Why, WHY does EVERYTHING Amazon does have to be sooooooooooooo DISGUSTINGLY HIDEOUS!!!??? :rolleyes:

    I challenge anyone in here to show me a website uglier than amazon.com! Seriously!!!

    I think amazonmp3.com looks pretty good. A bit lacking in some extra metadata that I'd like to see but certainly not hideous. Everything works, and works well. Much faster to navigate around my music than via iTunes. Give me speed over superfluous eye-candy any day.

    The AmazonMP3 Android app looks very nice btw...

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  • Icaras
    Apr 26, 02:54 PM
    Unfortunately, only 25% of the US market agrees with you. ;)

    Market share and product quality is not always 1:1 relationship.

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  • asdf542
    Mar 30, 05:42 PM
    Is there a changelog?

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  • rwilliams
    Mar 28, 10:35 AM
    2012 could easily mean EARLY 2012. That would put the Verizon and AT&T phones on the same release schedule and also set a new precedent for revealing/releasing iPhones in the 1st quarter, WWDC focuses solely on software and operating systems, and the iPad being released in the 3rd/4th quarter (if the iPad 3 rumors pan out). And don't think for a minute that AT&T won't alter their upgrade eligibility dates to let people whose contracts expire this summer (without the release of a new iPhone) upgrade in 2012 for a subsidized price. They're doing everything they can to keep people from jumping ship.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 11, 11:45 AM
    Does this mean merom machines will return to the original pricing the yonah machines debuted with or will the pricing pick up from where it is now?

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  • pmz
    May 4, 03:12 PM
    Thanks for alerting me to this. I had no idea that Macrumors took up GBs of my bandwidth cap. :p

    Gotcha. I don't have bandwidth caps, so I wouldn't know about that.

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  • bryanc
    Jul 24, 09:58 AM
    I'm going to be using my laptop for teaching in the fall, which means some fairly strenuous 3D molecular rendering, large movies, wireless internet and standard keynote (all simultaneously, of course), as well as the standard day-to-day chores.

    I could manage with my ageing G4 AlBook (it continues to run like a champ, but it's a bit slow for the 3D molecular rendering, and it staggers a little with the big animations) but it occurred to me that, even with daily backups, should I have a catastrophic system failure, I couldn't get a replacement in time for the next lecture. So I've decided to buy a new laptop, and keep my venerable G4 AlBook as a backup system.

    But I want any new system to be 64-bit, and otherwise as 'future-proof' as possible, so I'm going to hold out for the new merom-based MBPs. I'm really excited about the possibility of going top-of-the-line for the first time ever. I'm hoping for a system that looks like this:

    17" anodized black MBP, with 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 1 GB RAM, a 7200 rpm 120 GB HD, 802.11n, and a blu-ray Superdrive. Should be just over $3k with my educational discount, right?


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  • SandynJosh
    Nov 26, 04:29 PM
    The real influence the cellphone companies (at least, the ones not stuck in the 1980s as far as their network infrastructure goes) have on phone purchasing is the ability to subsidize phones that fit their model.

    The fact Apple can't expect carriers to subsidize their phones is one issue they have to deal with.

    November 23, 2006 CNN
    NEW YORK (AP) -- Cell phone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday.

    Given the above news, NO cellphone company may soon be subsidizing ANY phones.

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  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 12:36 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    No no no no no. first of all. The meroms create less heat than the yonahs. by your logic, they shouldn't put a cooler chip in until they resolve their heat issues. :confused:

    secondly: Mac Pros and MBPs both belong at wwdc. PRO. for professional. I fail to see how desktop professional machines belong here and laptop professional machines do not.

    thirdly: ... actually that's all i really need to say.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 08:21 AM
    I told Rob about the event yesterday...

    "Great, all we need is another iPod." :rolleyes:

    Sounds like he's giving you the go-ahead. Go on Gary, call his bluff.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 18, 04:02 PM
    Where is the logical place for a dock? At the bottom (no brainer--do you want to turn your device sideways or upside down?). Grid is the most efficient layout. How else are you going to lay them out?

    Delete is a little similar, but it is one of the easiest ways to delete something. You can't exactly right click and going to the menu to delete apps seems innefficient.

    Palm and Microsoft put their icons in a grid pattern that Apple COPIED with iOS. I don't see them (or their patent holders in the case of Palm) suing. Apple is acting like a baby because they can see what it coming (more open ecosystems, less expensive options) and they know it will mean a loss of power and money.

    Perhaps you need to actually look at an iPhone 3GS and a Galaxy Tab sometime.



    OMG, Samsung put a white back on the back of their tablet. Cats sleeping with dogs! Your so-called proof is a joke.

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  • bdkennedy1
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    GOOD! I am tired of Apple's yearly release cycles.

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  • Old Smuggler
    Sep 11, 02:31 AM
    I hope that the free iPod nano educational deal is still in effect if new iPods are released this week.

    seriously doubt it
    its just a way to make a little more money off the existing ipods and reduce stock before the changeover

    Aug 7, 05:34 PM
    Basic graphics card is kinda weak.

    need to have a midground option which is a bit better, but not as much as the ATI x1900

    also, where is the option of getting Blu-Ray Drive?

    We need high def drives. and why have to buy them elsewhere. want a full HDMI compliant system, that can interface with LCD monitors/tv's made by apple also with speakers.

    cmon apple!!!

    Jul 30, 09:29 AM
    personally, I would love to see the newton make a return in phone shape.

    A phone, with great pda abilities to sync to all my mac applications. Plus, the iChat someone mentioned earlier.

    All of that, in a nice sleek package. I would switch phone carriers for that.

    I could care less about cameras and iTunes on the phone.

    Apr 25, 10:44 AM
    "In the meantime, government agencies in a number of countries have launched investigations into the situation, seeking explanations from Apple and details on how users can protect their privacy."

    Don't lend your phone and don't LOSE it.


    Sep 16, 10:53 PM
    I've been reading internet articles all day. Yesterday I ordered a MacBook which is set for delivery in Oct. I read an article that said Intel shipped the processors early to the manufacturers to first upgrade their entry level laptops and, as we have seen, that is the case with Dell and HP. According to the article, there was no supply issue with the new Core 2 CPU's. The MacBook though now supposedly is in short supply right now inventory-wise - Could be back to school or possibly a "refit" !! Well, who knows what they will do but I would hope they would just start shipping them with the new Core 2 CPU's soldered in place of the Core Duo - both laptops.

    Apr 15, 10:22 AM
    Sorry to break it to you but it's not me with the false premise. Money is like water, it flows to where there is least resistance. Money can be invested in anything and anywhere around the world. You can invest on Asian exchanges. Why not create a company in Hong Kong and invest through that? You can even invest in American companies because many of them list on several international exchanges. If you were a billionaire, would you invest with an individual account in the U.S. and be subject to a 35% tax, or invest through a corporation in Hong Kong and pay no taxes. In reality, they probably have many investments spread out. Some in the U.S., some internationally. Such a change in tax rules will simply cause them to make the appropriate changes to maximize how much they make.

    The real problem is a lack of growth. There's only so much Silicon Valley can offer in location. If we really start taxing at 35% and eliminated a lot of deductions, then what reason is there to start a business in the U.S. over Shanghai or Hong Kong?

    It's a sad state but we are already testing the waters for capital controls, trying to keep money in the U.S. It's a big mistake we're progressing towards. No one will want to put money into a country that makes it hard to take money out.

    I'll only add to what mcrain wrote by saying that what you're describing is a race to the bottom. If capital gains taxes were so corrosive, every government should logically keep them at 0%. Is that really the logical conclusion you'd like to make with this line of reasoning?

    Investors have already been investing in Asian markets for decades, and it has nothing to do with taxes; it has everything to do with how rapidly those markets have been growing over the past 40 years.