Kate Middleton Princess DianaIf the mp3s have track information embedded in them, they maintain correct order when you upload them. Songs you've downloaded from iTunes should be fine. If it's stuff you stole from somewhere else, who knows who encoded it or what settings they used.
OK, thanks, that's good news. In this case it's tracks from a CD I own, but since I rarely buy CDs any more this will be less and less of a problem!
Princess Diana Wedding RingSteviejobz
Mar 28, 11:23 AM
People are incredulous. They want / expect revolutionary products every month. Get real! I know many of us have addictions to Apple like Whitney Houston has to crack but if you want your money's worth for each upgrade, let's give the company time to put out some new features.
I hope no new phone until 2013 and iPad 3 in late 2012. Maybe then we'll get a real upgrade.
princess diana ring. replicaAwaiting confirmation from mscriv. In the meanwhile, one slot is still open.
Ok, I'm in. Now where did I put those....
And just so we're all clear, I'm definitely Chaotic Good. :D
princess diana ring. replicaswingerofbirch
Nov 22, 03:47 PM
So Palm is saying Apple can't make a phone as good as Palm. Palm makes smart phones, which I don't even know that Apple is making. But let's say they are. A smart phone is a cell phone combined with a PDA. Which leads to my question: didn't Apple invent the PDA with Newton, or did Palm come first?
I always assumed the Newton came first since everyone always says Newton's failing was being ahead of its time, but I might be wrong.
But nonetheless, you have to think that there must be valuable technology and learninge experience Apple has for having made both the Newton and the iPod that they would use in making a phone.
replica princess diana ring.Mister Snitch
Mar 27, 10:43 AM
"2011: Year of iPad 2."
If you want to hang 'no iPad 3 in 2011' on the technicality of a slogan, remember: An entire "year" of iPad 2 would have required a launch on New Year's Day, at midnight. That didn't happen. So, a slavish adherence to the slogan is not a reason we wouldn't see an iPad 3 launch in the fall.
In that event, the BULK of the year still would have been the 'Year of iPad 2', if not literally every single day of it. By year's end, it's pretty safe to say the majority of tablets in use will in fact be iPad 2's. That's enough to fulfill the slogan, if such a fulfillment is something anyone's looking for.
princess diana ring. replicakavika411
Mar 29, 08:53 AM
there is no subscription
you buy music from amazon you download an mp3. or you upload your own and listen to it on an android phone. if you stop using the service you still have your music on your computer
I may have missed it, but what I'm trying to understand with Amazon's offering, and with what we think Apple will roll out, is whether you can push non-purchased music (i.e. CDs you ripped) into the cloud. That may not interest other people, but I'd like to be able to do that.
wear a royal ring replica?MonkeySee....
Nov 11, 09:31 AM
As a business point of view, a company will need to have some sort of AV installed as part of company policies weather its needed or not.
replica princess diana ring.I agree, nuckinfutz. I signed up for the old, free, iTools during Steve's MWSF 2000 keynote (and got a great email address.) Basic services could easily be made free again, advanced services could cost a little. Apple makes most of their money from hardware sales, so it's possible that the free MobileMe component could add enough value to generate more hardware sales for Apple.
Even if the extra initial cost to Apple outweighs the increase in hardware sales, it could be beneficial for Apple in the medium to long term. Because there's another potentially huge long-term benefit for Apple. If all or nearly all Apple customers join MobileMe, they will create a larger MobileMe market to sell into. By 'sell' I mean iAds. It's entirely possible that MobileMe could become completely free if you and I and other users are willing to put up with the fancy new iAds that Apple is working on.
So what would make us put up with the iAds? Great content. We could stream movies, TV, and even audio when we're away from our Macs. Apple may not want to go 100% "cloud" since the "cloud" may never be 100% reliable. Apple no doubt wants to avoid the kind of disaster that Microsoft / Danger users experienced if at all possible.
But if Apple does a few more deals in Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised if MobileMe gets renamed to "The Apple Channel" or something like that. As internet media streaming becomes more popular, Apple will be able to use its MobileMe infrastructure to become even more of a media powerhouse. iAd commercials and all.
replica princess diana ring.You can always donate to the federal reserve. Don't let me stop you!
Yes, I want to donate to the Fed (http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-real-housewives-of-wall-street-look-whos-cashing-in-on-the-bailout-20110411?page=1) (so that my money can go lie on a Cayman island beach, since I never will be able to).
Ring Replica PrincessDon't panic
May 4, 10:28 AM
Splain please.
initially, the way it was written it seemed (to me at least) that an armed trap would be triggered by our presence in the room at the end of a round
in that case you don't want to end a round with a move to a new room because you expose yourself to the trap without being able to check for it. (so move-explore >> explore-move)
Also it implied you could 'run' through a room in turn1 of a round without triggering the trap in that room (move-move).
it was then explained that an armed trap is triggered only by leaving the room, at any turn
this means that we can go into a new room and end our turn, and it is safe as long as someone explores the room before leaving next turn (so move-explore ≅ explore-move)
that's why splitting can be productive:
say me and you are in room A, unexplored, as a group.
we split and in your turn1 you explore the room, in my turn1 i move to room B.
then in your turn2 you move to roomB and in my turn2 i explore roomB.
then we merge again.
in this way we have both moved from room A to room B, and we have explored both rooms, while if we moved as a group we could only explore one of the two rooms.
the downside is that if we find treasure, it only applies to the discoverer's party and not to everyone.
princess diana ring. Replicamobilehavoc
Apr 26, 03:29 PM
Makes sense. Android is really becoming the defacto alternative to iOS.
This is not about iOS vs Android. Both are doing well. It's the others who need to worry like RIM and MS. Where RIM was trying to beat the iPhone 2 years ago, now they have two platforms kicking their butt.
However, it's really not a fair comparison when you compare the iPhone vs Android. One is a phone and the other an OS. Wake me up when one single model of an Android based phone out sells the iPhone, then you can say Apple is in trouble.
I love that argument - who told Apple to only make 1 phone? Nobody it was their decision. This is PC vs Mac all over again - history repeating itself.
I can't wait to see how Steve Jobs spins this somehow at WWDC - my guess is he'll throw iPod Touches and iPads into their numbers so it doesn't look as horrible as the Nielsen chart shows.
At the end of the day, the truth hurts - Android is the new defacto platform for mobile and that means developers, developers, developers.
Next up...tablets :D
princess diana ring replicaOh - BTW - Anyone know if they are planning to stock them in Apple stores?
As for the price - everyone complains that it is too expensive for "a mount". But, it's not just a mount. A simple mount wouldn't be worth more than about $30. It's got a GPS chip in it that is similar in quality to a standalone units GPS chip, plus a speaker (the built-in speaker isn't loud or clear enough) and a mic. I understand the enhanced GPS chip is accessed via Bluetooth, so other GPS programs can use it instead of the on-board GPS chip. It can serve as a handsfree speakerphone, so no need to buy a car kit if your car doesn't support Bluetooth (mine don't).
All together, I honestly do think this price tag is a little high - it would be more reasonable at $99, but I'm still thinking seriously about getting one.
The point is you can buy a dedicated GPS unit for less than the tomtom mount and app.
princess diana, engagementduffman9000
Jul 22, 11:43 AM
Negative? How can this news be negative? Only the most diehard G4 lovers would call this news negative.
princess diana ring replicamattnotis
Apr 20, 01:49 PM
I honestly don't understand where some people get their logic from.
I just skimmed through this thread and i saw posts like "The next iPhone will be an iPhne 4S/iPad 2 type upgrade, so it won't be big". Or "the next iPhone should be called iPhone 4GS or iPhone 4S, because it won't be a big upgrade".
I'm sorry but a Dual Core processor itself makes it a huge upgrade. The iPhone 3GS was the biggest upgrade internally, the iPhone 4 has more RAM.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Btw, why would Apple go back to messing up with their names? iPhone 3G was almost the exact same as the Original iPhone, except it had 3G functionalities. So they had to emphasize on "3G", hence the name.
In a marketing stance, it didn't make sense for Apple to go from iPhone 3G to iPhone 3, people want to see improvements not a removal of a letter.
And now finally they came back to the numerical way of naming the iPhone, and i think it'll stay just like that. It makes no sense for Apple to mess it up.
Otherwise the iPad 2 according to some people here should've been called "iPad 1S" :rolleyes:
This should make sense:
iPhone = iPhone 1
iPhone 3G = iPhone 2
iPhone 3GS = iPhone 3
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 5 = iPhone 5
Makes sense? Now how messed up would this be..
iPhone 4 = iPhone 4
iPhone 4S = iPhone 5
iPhone 5 = iPhone 6
In other words, don't undermine the iPhone 5. Due to the leak of the 'prototype' iPhone 4 last year, Apple has been very strict with their next device, by this time last year we knew a lot about the iPhone 4.
So we can only wait until a date closer to September (from what it seems), to see the actual features of the phone.
Keep in mind guys, Apple is going to add things to make current iPhone 4 owners upgrade, it's all marketing.
They don't have to do squat really. They can just call it the iPhone 5 and people would still buy it if it only had a slightly better camera in it.
replica princess diana ring.Full of Win
Mar 28, 11:04 AM
No iPhone 5, but there will be iPhone invisio!
ROTF. Dated. That must be why the recent mobile industry event that Apple didn't sponsor nor attend voted iPhone the best phone on the market.
The iPhone 4 is dated. It has a single core processor, just 512 MB RAM, the screen is too small and it does not support 3.5G / 4G networks. The only spec of the iPhone 4 that is not out of date, relative to similar phones, is the screen resolution. The iPhone 4 is in its winter of life; not in its summer. This is not a bad thing, it is the nature of technology.
I don't have anything against the iPhone 4, I have one myself. But looking objectively at the technical specifications of other phones sold now, I have to say the internal design is dated.
Aug 4, 09:54 AM
EXCLUSIVE: Leopard Feature Set Leaked
Hardly seems exclusive...more like "duh, that's obvious"
princess diana ring replicaas per this news of perhaps no ipod and a 70% chance of other core 2 duo update action, we have much to look forward to not only at the wwdc, but also after that. if everything were spelled out for us this conference, we would have such a dry spell till holidays or until leapard or until ultralight mac or something else. i am rather glad that apple does not update everything with the speed of a recital.
Replica Princess Diana#39;sSort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.
So your attitude is "if I can't have it, I don't want anyone to have it."?
Whether it comes out or not, you won't be getting one. So why would it matter either way?
Princess DianaMichaelgtrusa
May 4, 05:03 PM
I would rather have a disc or flash drive.
Please, Apple, release an iPhone.
Then I can flush this RAZR down the toilet.
Super Dave
Jul 30, 05:16 AM
This sounds cool. Initially, though; I was kind of turned off by the idea of Apple doing a cellphone.
Unfortunately, I'm pulled back into thinking, "What could Apple do with phones that hasn't already been done." Small, light, photos, video, internet, music, games, personal organization? Most of this is pretty well covered with the current offerings. So what is going to be the selling point here? Is it going to be expensive or affordable? Is it going to be full-featured or bare bones?
Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.
Couldn't they have people use their iTunes account?
remember not everybodys itunes account is an email address, for use with ichat etc
when setting up a mac, I got an Apple ID(which is my itunes account) and its just a username not an email address
Apr 18, 02:44 PM
http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/18/apple-targets-samsung-with-new-lawsuit-over-galaxy-line/)
Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1
The Wall Street Journal reports (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703916004576271210109389154.html) that Apple has filed a patent lawsuit against Samsung, targeting the Korean company's "Galaxy" line of Android-based smartphones and tablets.The lawsuit, filed on April 15 in the Northern District of California, alleged that Samsung's smartphones, such as the "Galaxy S 4G," "Epic 4G," "Nexus S" and its "Galaxy Tab" touchscreen tablet, violated Apple's intellectual property.
"Rather than innovate and develop its own technology and a unique Samsung style for its smart phone products and computer tablets, Samsung chose to copy Apple's technology, user interface and innovative style in these infringing products," the lawsuit said.Samsung is one of Apple's chief suppliers (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/14/apple-set-to-become-samsungs-biggest-customer-with-7-8-billion-in-contracts/) for its own iOS-based devices, with Samsung manufacturing Apple's A4 and A5 systems-on-a-chip as well as LCD displays, flash memory, and other components.
Samsung is one the companies pushing ahead most aggressively in the tablet market to compete against Apple's iPad, having already released a 7-inch "Galaxy Tab" and announced (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/22/blackberry-playbook-coming-april-19th-at-499-samsung-intros-8-9-and-10-1-galaxy-tabs/) larger 8.9-inch and 10.1-inch versions set to launch within the next few months. The company is of course also a major player in the Android-based smartphone market.
Article Link: Apple Targets Samsung With New Lawsuit Over 'Galaxy' Line (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/18/apple-targets-samsung-with-new-lawsuit-over-galaxy-line/)
Mar 26, 11:38 PM
No, they come out with new phones every WEEK, and you actually mean "cheaper and ********". This is not coming from a fanboy, I own and use daily an android device.
I would very highly doubt if they actually delayed the release. Techcrunch doesn't have an amazing track record, if I remember right.
True, they got tons of them comming out.
They might be cheaper but some of them do have better hardware specs but when it comes to the OS and the way it runs everything they sure are crappy and cant compete with the iOS.
I'm going to laugh at all those who say iOS 5 wont be delayed when it actually will be :rolleyes:
I give it by July there will be a new ios out and a new iphone.
Just my guess judging by the last 4 years but we will see how it goes.
Nobody really knows.