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Friday, April 1, 2011

Dollar Bill Reveals 21st Century Illuminati Agenda

Dollar Bill Reveals 21st Century Illuminati Agenda

 A Brief History of The Future by Jacques Attali (2006) outlines the elite’s agenda for the 21st Century.

 A French Jew (he recently told the European Jewish Congress the world’s Jewish population needs to rise to 200 million),  Attali is a high-level technocrat working to fulfill the New World Order.
Jacques Attali has a varied CV.  For ten years he worked as an adviser to former French President Francois Mitterrand. In 1980, he started the European program Eurêka (a major European program on new technologies that invented, among other things, the MP3).
In 1991, he co-founded the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.  He is also at the origin of the higher education reform, known as LMD, designed to bring all European degrees into line.
He has published over 50 books, selling over 6 million copies worldwide. They include an adoring biography of banker Siegmand Warburg.
He has also written a glowing account of Karl Marx, arguing that Marx was a free-marketeer who favored capitalism as a stepping-stone to his Communist ideal and predicted globalization as we know it today (i.e. the New World Order).
In ‘A Brief History of The Future’ Attali predicts that this century will unfold in three distinct phrases.
1.   Super-empire = an era of privatization where corporations rule the day.  He writes, “money will finally rid itself of everything that threatens it- including nation states, which it will progressively dismantle.” The market will become the world’s only recognized law. A system of power whose ‘structures remain elusive but whose goal is global.’
2.   Hyperconflict = super-empire will implode and there will be a period of worldwide chaos. Starting about 2030,  Attali foresees ‘devastating wars, pitting nations, religious groups, terrorist entities, and free-market pirates against one another’.
3.   Hyperdemocracy (2060)= Exhausted by wars and social upheavals the world public will welcome with open arms ‘the creation of a democratic world government.’ It will be a collectivist system, with everyone working towards the ‘common good.’

Illuminati Sexuality

In the future, people will no longer bond and create families. ‘The couple will no longer be the principal base for life and sexuality. [People] will prefer to choose, in full transparency, polygamous or polyandrous loves.’
The driving force of this trend is technology that frees youth from parental control. The first was the radio, which allowed the young:
‘To dance outside the ballrooms and therefore be free of parental supervision- liberating sexuality, opening them to all kinds of music, from jazz to rock, and thus announcing youth’s entry into the world of consumption, of desire, and of rebellion.’
A media-dominated culture will create an egocentric populace who ‘will be loyal only to themselves.’
With lovers failing to mate for life, ‘the world will be no more than a juxtaposition of solitudes, and love a juxtaposition of masturbations.’
The elite goal is to remove love from sex so that they control reproduction.  Attali writes that in the twentieth century, society ‘sought to evacuate the reproductive role of sexuality by making motherhood artificial, by using increasingly sophisticated methods- pills, pre-mature labor, in vitro fertilization, surrogate mothers.’
In the future, society ‘will even go so far as to dissociate reproduction and sexuality.  Sexuality will be the kingdom of pleasure, reproduction that of machines.’
Future generations ‘will manufacture the human being like a made-to-measure artifact, in an artificial uterus, which will allow the brain to further develop with characteristics chosen in advance. The human being will thus have become a commercial object.’


Attali paints a picture of a surveillance society that would make the Stasi wince.
Even our washing machines will be conspiring against us,  while the ‘packaging of food products, clothing vehicles, and household goods will become “communicative.”‘
We will live with untrustworthy robots.
‘Domestic robots will become universal in daily life. They too will be constantly connected to high-output grids in nomadic ubiquity. They will function as domestic help, as aids for the handicapped or aged, as workers and as members of security forces. In particular they will become “Watchers.”‘
All our data will be collected by public and private security firms. The main form of surveillance will be portable entertainment devices. The embryo of this today is the iPhone that sends data to the NSA.
‘The unique nomadic object will be permanently traceable. All the data it contains, including images of everyone’s daily life, will be stored and sold to specialist businesses and to public and private police.’
By 2050, these machines will have evolved into what Attali calls ‘self-surveillance machines’ that will allow everyone to monitor his own compliance with the norms.
We will monitor our consumption of water, energy and raw materials. We will even have the ‘opportunity to measure, permanently or periodically, the parameters of [our] own body.’
‘Electronic bugs, worn subcutaneously, will ceaselessly register heartbeat, blood pressure, and cholesterol. Microprocessors connected to various organs will watch their functioning as compared to the norms.’
Living insecure and chaotic lives, we will be dependent on insurance companies for security. These companies will make sure their clients ‘conform to norms to minimize the risks … They will gradually come to dictate planetary norms (What to eat? What to know? How to drive? How to protect oneself? How to consume? How to produce?)’
These companies will be ruthless.
‘They will penalize smokers, drinkers, the obese, the unemployable, the inadequately protected, the aggressive, the careless, the clumsy, the absentminded, the spendthrift. Ignorance, exposure to risks, wasting, and vulnerability will be considered diseases.’
Prisons ‘will be gradually replaced by long-distance surveillance of a person under house arrest.’


Immigration flows will expand and submerge nation states. ‘Great Britain will become a major host country, especially for citizens of Central European countries. The latter will in their turn welcome Ukrainian workers, themselves replaced by Russians, themselves replaced by vast Chinese populations.’
Resistant countries will learn that a population inflow ‘is the condition of their survival.’ In a sinister passage, Attali speaks of third-world hordes engulfing the West.
‘Ever more numerous masses will hurl themselves at the gates of the West. They already number hundreds of thousands every month; that figure will increase to millions, then tens of millions.’
The United States will be the most popular destination and ‘In twenty years, the Hispanic and African-American populations will almost constitute a majority in the United States.’
Nomadism will also become the norm in the West, ‘more and more people will leave one country for another: there will soon be more than ten million of them switching countries every year.
Our main incentive will be money, but many will leave because they are disgusted by their homeland.
‘They [will] no longer want to depend on a country whose tax system, legislation, and even culture they reject. And also to disappear completely, to live another life. The world will thus be increasingly filled with people who have become anonymous of their own free will; it will be like a carnival where everyone – ultimate freedom! – will have chosen a new identity for himself.’

Future Of The US

The dollar will remain dominant until at least 2025, when foreign backers will start abandoning it and ‘the credit pyramid, based on the value of American housing, will collapse.’
The US will then start disintegrating, with violence and chaos ensuing. Attali states, ‘it will not be tomorrow’s Africa that will one day resemble today’s West, but the whole West that could tomorrow evoke today’s Africa.’
The US will then have to redesign its government to regain control.
‘The United States could then become a Scandinavian-style social democracy, or a dictatorship – and even perhaps one after the other. It would not be the first time such a surprise occurred: the first leader to apply the principles required to emerge from the crisis of the [last depression] was Mussolini; the second was Hitler. Roosevelt only came third.’
As chaos and violence engulfs the world, Christianity and Islam will strengthen. The Bible belt region in the Southern US will mobilize and could dominate US politics.
‘The United States could then around 2040 fall prey to a theocratic temptation, explicit or implicit, in the shape of theocratic isolationism in which democracy would be no more than a shadowy presence.’
This Christian movement could be used in a war against a mobilized Islam, which would presumably weaken and discredit both religions.
An international Christian alliance ‘could well form alliances here and there with secular pirates and traffickers in arms, women and drugs.’
This alliance will ‘stand face to face against Islam  – and the struggle will be relentless. They will defend Christians in countries where they are a minority, as in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Syria.’
Before the end of century the US will be disintegrated and under the authority of a collectivist world government.